Mesele Mengsteab (PhD)Tariku Ayalew2024-12-262024-12-262024-05-01 blood feud is taking an act of revenge by killing or returning the killer himself, otherwise by killing his family or relatives. Blood feuds have become a habit in different parts of the world. Among the factors that lead to another attack are those related to their cultural norms, and honor is mainly mentioned. This causes them to get into a vicious cycle and also causes loss of life, psychological toll, and lack of trust within the community, and economic destruction, which is seen as a common social problem in East Dembia Woreda. Due to this kind of inharmoniousness, the occurrence has continued from generation to generation. This study was conducted in Addisge Dengie and Senbet Deber Kebeles, selected from among the 34 Kebeles in East Dembia Woredas. The objectives were to explore the socio-cultural issues, assess the current situation, evaluate the effects of blood feuds on individuals, families, and communities, and analyze customary or traditional mechanisms of resolving blood feuds. By using a mixed-methods research design, the researcher gathered primary data from the study population in the field. Qualitative data was acquired using document review tools, FGD, KII, and in-depth interviews. On the other hand, survey questions were used to gather quantitative data. Elders, community leaders, and individuals or families directly affected by blood feuds or victims were interviewed as key informants’. Spiritual elders, members of the community, and young people participate in FGDs that take age into consideration. Furthermore, the researcher examined data from the Office of Justice, Court Office, and Woreda Communication Office. The study used a purposeful methodology. Descriptive statistics and appropriate statistical tests were used in the study to analyze the collected data. Inferential statistics, descriptive statistics are used to examine the demographics of the victims and to comprehend the number and frequency of blood feud-related murders during the course of the five-year period. In quantitative data analysis, chi-square tests are used, and a binary logit model is utilized. A qualitative data analysis that included document reviews, FGD, and in-depth interviews was accomplished. The study's findings showed 84.8% of community members hold and use bludgeons and weapons, gambling, revenge culture, honor, proverbs, Land disputes were a frequent cause of blood feuds on both Kebeles; productivity, proximity to cities, and alcohol businesses are mentioned as contributing to blood feuds; and 16% of the participants linked blood feuds to legal shortcomings. Individuals, families, and communities are under strain; the community’s cohesion is threatened by trust and unity within the community; and there are constant and alarming blood feuds in the community. Overall, the data from 2019 to 2023 indicates that 106 people in the chosen Kebeles lost their lives as a result of blood feuds. Keywords: blood feuds; Woreda; Kebeles; community cohesion; land, Dem Adraki committeesen-USblood feudsWoredaKebelescommunity cohesionlandDem Adraki committeesUnderstanding the Effects of Blood Feuds and their Implications for Community Cohesion: The Case of Addisge Dengie and Senbet Deber Kebeles in East Dembia Woreda, Ethiopia.Thesis