Gezahegn, Wubishet2018-07-092023-11-092018-07-092023-11-092011-06http:// this work alpha induced reaction on cobalt(59Co) in the energy range of 10 to 80 Mev have been demonstrated. Excitation function for three reactions of the type 59Co( ; n)62Cu, 59Co( ; 2n)61Cu, 59Co( ; 3n)60Cu were studied. For theoretical excitation function com- puter code COMPLET have been used. High energy parts of the excitation functions are dominated by pre-equilibrium reaction mechanism where as the low energy parts are dominated by compound nucleus reaction mechanism with its characteristic peakenPre-compound Nucleus TheoryStudy of Some a _+ 59Co Systems using Compound and Pre-compound Nucleus TheoryThesis