Ejigu, Dejene (PhD)Alemu, Anteneh2018-06-132023-11-292018-06-132023-11-292014-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/792The idea of mobile marketing covers a broad range of marketing or commercial communication that can be accomplished through mobile phone. Despite the fact that, the marketers are able to address the majority of the audiences easily through mass communication, in the traditional mobile marketing, the mechanism for delivering marketing information or advertisement dictates, the mere delivery of information while neglecting the users preference and/or context. In order to overcome such problem, we propose a context aware mobile marketing (CAMM) architecture that utilizes the user preference and context information of the user. The architecture is composed of two components which reside in the client mobile device and a server. The client side components are responsible for capturing user preference and context so as to infer users marketing preference and send a request to the server. Whereas, the server side components are responsible for processing the request received from the client and deliver marketing information that match the user context. In order to map the relationship between the context, market preference and user characteristics and identify the preferred user preference, we also utilized ontology based user preference modeling on the CAMM client. As a means of evaluating the proposed architecture, we develop a prototype that implements the core components of the proposed architecture on android based mobile phone. We also evaluate the implementation on sample preferences and location data. Results from the experiment show the proposed architecture is promising to provide a context aware mobile marketing for smart phone mobile users.enMobile; MarketingContext Aware Mobile Marketing: The Case of Markets in EthiopiaThesis