Abebe Yehulawork (PhD)Fikiru Bedasa2023-12-132023-12-132023-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/820Rehabilitation services for children with developmental disability determine the interventions chosen by a multidisciplinary team with involvement of parents. Most of the needs for rehabilitation go unfulfilled in countries with low and moderate incomes, and more than half of those who need rehabilitation treatments do not receive them in Ethiopia. The purpose of the study was to examine the role of parents of children with developmental for the effectiveness of center-based rehabilitation services. Qualitative approach was applied a phenomenological design to conduct the study. The study was conducted at Addis Guzo Center wich wich is located in Addis Ababa, Lideta Su-city. Observation, interviews and document analysis were used to collect data. Fourteen parents of children with developmental disability were purposively selected as the study participants. The data was analyzed by categorizing the data into four thematic areas. The study findings showed that parents were not initially aware of their responsibilities and roles in providing rehabilitation services; however, the professional support and awareness-raising services that the professionals of the center provided for them encouraged their active involvement. Additionally, the study findings identified that rehabilitation services play critical roles in supporting children with developmental disability, and the involvements of parents in the process of rehabilitating children with developmental disability contributes to holistic progress of a child including improvements in their day to day activities, social inclusion, and advocate their fundamental rights. Rehabilitation centers should involve parents in providing rehabilitation services for children with developmental disabilities to assure expected outcomes. Keywords: Institution-based rehabilitation, Inter-Professional Collaboration, developmental disability, Rehabilitation, intervention, Parental roleenInstitution-based rehabilitation, Inter-Professional Collaboration, developmental disability, Rehabilitation, intervention, Parental roleThe Role of Parents of Children with Developmental Disability for the Effectiveness of Center-Based Rehabilitation Services: The Case of Addis Guzo CentreThesis