Ayenew, Meheret (PhD)Bessie, Mulualem2021-10-262023-11-182021-10-262023-11-182001-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/28308Institutional and Administrative Capacity that should exist in the social, economic and political institutions has become one of the essential instruments of achieving any envisaged development policies and programs, and at the same time, sustains and supports the several processes of development. Consequently, capacity development is being considered as a prerequisite and a sine qua non for the commencement and success of development objectives and goals. After the demise of the Derg Regime, Ethiopia has launched on an unprecedented tradition of decentralization and regionalization. Concomitantly, the regional governments are entrusted with the legal powers of adopting and implementing development policies and programs. However, making of policies and programs require the availability of competent and efficient staff members and capable administration which almost all of the regional governments lack. The Problem of capacity is grandeur in the forlorn and marginalized peripheral regions of the country one of which is the Benishangul-Gumuz area that did not obtain due concern and attention by the past centralist power holders in Ethiopia. The impact of this capacity constraint has been poor planning, formulation and execution of development policies, programs, strategies, projects and budgets. Presently, although the region and the federal governments have been taking up numerous activities in order to redeem the capacity problems, especially in the area of human resource development through education and training, the problem seems untouched and unresolved, and in turn has negatively affected the development efforts of the region. This study has tried to pinpoint that the overall capacity development programs that have been carried out (be it regional or national) have not been wellplanned need-based, and very often ill-implemented. Moreover the study has identified that nepotism and favoritism have played significant roles in Ihe planning and implementation of training activities in the region. As to education, Ihe study has also . shown that quality deterioration in Ihe educalion system is overtly depicled in Ihe region which is true of Ihe country on the whole. In sum, since capacity problems would also resull in widening development disparity among regions, greater emphasis should be given to this aspect than ever. Among other options, devising differenl incentive systems of motivating, relaining and slabilizing Ihe available civil servanls and launching of massive infrastructure building programs by Ihe federal government in Ihe peripheral and under served areas appear as some of Ihe mosl important solutions to the prevailing capacity problems. If not, the poorer regions get poorer and the richer ones get richer which would in turn threatens the national integrity and unity of the country in the long run.enNational Regional StateEfforts,ProblemsInstitutional and Administrative Capacity for Development: The Case of the Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State: Efforts,Problems and ProspectsThesis