Guta, Brehanu (PhD)Negassa, Kumera2018-07-162023-11-042018-07-162023-11-042014-04-01 paper presents one way of getting a maximum or minimum cost about given Capacitated transportation problem for certain company. The understanding the transportation cost prob- lem of company with a bounded rim condition will tell us the capacitated transportation In Mathematics Optimization is intended to optimize mathematical problems in which one is transportation problem. Transportation problem involve optimization of a linear function called the objective function, subject to linear constraints, which may be either equalities, or inequalities in the unknowns. My aim is to minimize cost, with given demand and supply constraints of certain company in which the capacities of each demand location is fixed with in some range of numbers. Keywords : Variables, Constraints, Feasible Solution, Optimality test.enVariablesConstraintsFeasible SolutionOptimality TestMs-Project On Capacitated Transportation ProblemsThesis