Tasissa, Gizaw (PhD)Bekele, Teklu2018-12-172023-11-102018-12-172023-11-102008-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/15187The purpose of this study was to identify the attitude of TVET students towards self employment and also to explore the factors that may influence the attitude of the trainees towards self employment. To this end, a descriptive survey method was employed for the study. The sample of the survey group was selected from four TVET colleges of Oromia region. A fifty item attitudinal questionnaire based on the Likert method and eighteer:1 supplementary items questionnaires were administered for 378 trainees and 85 trainers respectively. In addition vocational counselors, entrepreneurship teachers and apprenticeship organizers were included in the study. The data were analyzed using frequencies, chi -square and simple correlation statistics. The result of the study revealed a non significant favorable attitude towards self employment ir~Lve of gender, geographical location, year level and felids of study. The study also showed that the balance of theory and practice proportion was in the right practice as well as courses were relevant to self employmentljob creation. In addition the result of the study depicted that the' hand tools in all TVET colleges were adequate enough in terms of preparing the trainees to create their own job. However, the machineries in some colleges as well as text book and relevant reference materials in all colleges were inadequate. Regarding self employment opportunities as a function of access to market for finished products and access to credit it was indicated by the trainers that there was high opportunities in each town. In line with the above findings the following point were recommended. Encouraging factors that resulted in positive attitude to the trainees should be further expanded. Text books and related reference materials should be provided for all colleges. Finally, the TVET colleges should work in collaboration with other governmental or non govemmental and private organizations.enTVET Students towards Self - EmploymentThe Attitude of TVET Students towards Self - Employment in Oromia RegionThesis