Tesfaye, Tilahun (PhD)Derese, Sahile2021-11-172023-11-092021-11-172023-11-092021-10-21http:// total mass attenuation coefficients of three different carbohydrates such as glucose(C6H12O6 ), maltose( C12H22O11) and sucrose (C12H22O11H2O ) were determined theoretically at different photon energies using XCOM computer program(version 3.1) in the energy range of 5 keV-1.5 MeV. Specifically, the mass attenuation coefficients obtained theoretically (XCOM computed coefficients) were compared with experimental results for 81, 356, 511, 662, 1173 and 1332 keV photon energies. The XCOM computed coefficients were compared to the experimental values, the agreement between the two is within less than 2%. That is; the XCOM program is successful in the calculation of photon mass attenuation coefficients of composite materials as others found in literature.enMass Attenuation CoefficientsComposite MaterialsPhoton EnergyMass Attenuation Coefficients of Biologial Materials Using XcomThesis