Atara, Adane (Assistant Professor)Megersa, Neway2020-12-312023-11-042020-12-312023-11-042020-08 purpose of this project work is to try to identify, whether leaders in the Ethiopian Banking industry know their role of a leadership and if they know whether they focus their role or not using leadership model called the competing values framework. This framework was developed by Quinn et al., and the latest version which is the 2015 edition is used. In the process, competing values framework standard questionnaire was applied and approached for the chosen sample bank leaders for their response. For the purpose of data manipulation, SPSS version 23 is employed. The target respondents of this study are members of the Executive Management (Presidents, Vice Presidents and Chiefs) and functional department head of the sampled banks. Out of the 121 approached bank leaders 92 (76%) of them have responded to the inquiries with a reliability of over 90%. The result shows, Leaders in the Ethiopian Banking industry know their role in all the four variables, collaborate (human resource development) create (innovate and compete), compete (productivity and profitability) and control (continuity and stability) and they are focusing to the average of frequently and very frequently. The Banking industry leaders are giving due attention to the human resource (collaborate) of the four variables relatively. Given, the approached number of leaders are increased, it is believed that the precision is yet by far better and it can be taken as a research gap for future studies and the analysis method can also be applied differently.en-USExecutive ManagementEmpirical Evidenceleadership modelLeaders’ Role Focus: An Empirical Evidence from Ethiopian Private Commercial BanksThesis