Leta, Dejenie (PhD)Teka, Mulugeta2021-03-172023-11-092021-03-172023-11-091997-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/25555In this study attempts were made to investigate the degree of students' intrinsic motivation for studying listening and the motivational roles of the listening tasks, the listening texts and the instructors in the listening classes of College English in relation to students' achievement in the listening tests at the Addis Abeba University Freshman Programmer. Seventy- seven students from College of Social Sciences and seventy-one from Science Faculty completed a questionnaire and twenty of these students were interviewed. These students' results on the two listening tests given by the department during the first semester were collected. To cross check the information given by the students, a questionnaire was administered to twenty instructors. Descriptive statistical analysis was first employed to analyse the responses given to each item. The analysis showed that the students' intrinsic motivation is accounted for by their perception of the relevance of the skill, the tasks and the texts to their needs in the academic setting. Correlational analysis was then made to see the interrelations among the variables. This analysis showed significant relationship among each other. Then, multiple reg ression models of analysis were employed to examine the contribution of the motivational variables to the students' achievement. The analysis revealed that the motivational variables together explained 46.2% of the variation in the students' achievement scores. The stepwise regression model confirmed that the greatest of th is contribution was accounted for by the students' intrinsic motivation . To see if the motivating natures of the listening tasks, the tasks, and the instructors have significantly different effects on social science and natural science students, a t-test was employed for comparing the mean scores. Accordingly, the motivational roles of the listening tasks and texts did not have significantly different effects on the two groups of students, but the instructors' motivational role had significantly different effect on the two groups. The mean scores of each motivational variable showed that they had a varying degree of motivating power. The instructors' responses to the qualitative data collected through the interview and the open-ended items in the questionnaire also confirmed this finding. Fin ally it has been recommended that students' awareness of the relevance of the listening component in the course should be more developed and the department should organize a workshop for the instructors to narrow the gap between the instructors' practices to motivate students to study listening.en-USMotivationListening ClassesMotivation in Listening Classes of College English At Addis Ababa UniversityThesis