Marrassini, Paolo (Prof.)Ayalew, Hailemariam2021-03-112023-11-302021-03-112023-11-302009-06 thesis presents a catalogue of 14 previously inaccessible and undocumented manuscripts' which are present in Beta marianl Church in Lalibela. All of the manuscripts are, "as usual; .. religious in content. They are: I. Lectionary for Palm . Sunday and Passion Week (Homilies 'on the Passion); 2. Funeral services; 3. Homilies for the ' Archangel Michael's fe stivals with Miracles of this Archangel; 4. The Book of Hexaemeron; 5. Miracle of Jesus; 6. The Book of penance;7. Arganond Woddase, or Arganond DongOl; 8. Baptism Ritual; 9. Three books of the Bible bound together (Samuel, Kings and Isaiah); 10. The Book of Baralam and YawasOf; , 11-12. Prayers of Incense; 13, The book of Chants (Mawaso't and Zommare), 14. The Book of onqobiihare. . The language of all but one of the manuscripts described 'in this catalogue is Go' oz; one . manuscript, the book of Hexaemeron, is written predominantly in Amharic and partly ill Go' Oz. This manuscript has colored illustrations in high standard traditional Ethiopian style.enCatalogueSomeSelectedManuscriptsCatalogue of Some Selected Manuscripts in Beta Mariam Church (Lalibelar)Thesis