Takele, Yitbarek (PhD)Addis, Zelalem2021-05-262023-11-042021-05-262023-11-042015-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/26572Quality service has become a serious issue among scholars in the hotel industry. This arises due to the fact that operators of the industry still find it difficult to understand what customer needs are at a particular time. The purpose of this study is to identify and validate dimensions of service quality for the Ethiopian hotel industry. The study used HOLSER, Gronroos’s and Loading Quality Index and four additional dimensions added by the researcher which are room amenities, food and amenities, physical facility and price. As a foundation for questionnaire development each model and additional dimension was used. However, the items were deducted and modified after conducting pilot study to suit to the specific features of a hotel setting. The study was conducted in Addis Ababa with the participation of four star hotels because they are found abundantly and easily accessible. A total of 380 questionnaires were administered to twenty four star hotel customers out of whom 270 questionnaires were returned and used for a comprehensive empirical analysis. Inferential statistics have been used to test hypothesis and to investigate research problems and questions. It was identified that the eight dimensions are found critical to measure hotel service quality. The result of correlation analysis revealed that all service quality dimensions are correlated with overall service quality. From the regression result it has been found that all service quality dimensions have positive significant impact on service quality. Moreover, managers have moderate perception toward service quality dimensions also hotels don’t have standardized service quality measurements. Thus, hotel operators must continuously provide more interactive service standards by using service quality dimensions as measuring service quality for hotel serviceen-USService QualityCustomer PerceptionSERVQUALIdentifying & Validating Dimensions of Service Quality for the Ethiopian Hotel IndustryThesis