Taye, Shifferaw(PhD)Biedebrhan, Medhanye2018-06-192023-11-112018-06-192023-11-112003-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/1646Key words: concrete shear walls, dual systems, ETABS, lateral loads, shear deformation. Concrete shear walls or structural walls are often used in multistory buildings to resist lateral loads such as wind, seismic and blast loads. Such walls are used when the frame system alone is insufficient or uneconomical to withstand all the lateral loads or when partition walls can be made load bearing, replacing columns and beams. The analysis of buildings with shear walls became simple using commercially available computer programs based on the finite element method (FEM) and subsequent implementation of stress integration techniques to arrive at generalized forces (axial, shear, and moments). On the other hand, design engineers without such facilities or those with computer facilities lacking such features use simple method of analysis by taking the entire dimensions of the walls. This is done by considering the shear walls as wide columns of high moment of inertia and following the same procedure as for columns, a structural modeling approach that leads to incorrect results. Therefore, it is the primary purpose of this research work to correlate the results obtained from the above simple but incorrect method of analysis and those from true wall behaviors with an ultimate goal of providing the analysts and the designers with correction factors in order to implement the centerline method of analysis for the analysis of walls. It is believed that structural engineers working in the analysis and design of high- rise buildings will be benefited from the results.enConcrete Shear Walls ; Dual Systems; ETABS; Lateral Loads; Shear Deformation.Correlation Between Actual Reinforced Concrete Wall Behavior and Its Centerline ModelThesis