Amare Abawa (Ph.D)Etsehiwot Habete2023-12-112023-12-112023-06-09 purpose of this research was to investigate the mediating effect of employee engagement on the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance, in case of Ethiotelecom head office. The researcher used short form Minnesota satisfaction Questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and trait emotional intelligence question, to measure job satisfaction, employee engagement and job performance. Descriptive statistics was used to investigate the data and simple random sampling is used to select the samples. A structured close ended questionnaire was used to collect the data. Version twenty-seven Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, was used to conduct the statistical analysis of all data in this study. Multiple regression and Pearson correlation analysis were used to examine the proposed hypothesis and test the indirect and direct relationships and effects among variables. Additionally, bootstrapping method and Baron Kenny’s four steps were used to examine the partial mediation of relations between job satisfaction, job performance and employee engagement. Generally, the study finding shows that all the variables are significantly affected each other and had significant positive relationship, Job satisfaction and Employee engagement are statistically significant contributors to job performance, there is significant partial mediating effect of engagement on the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance and The results of testing the hypotheses showed to accept all four alternative hypotheses. to conclude the researcher recommends using other dimension of measuring tools and mediator variable to investigate the effect of job satisfaction on job performance rather than those used in this study.enJob Satisfaction, Employee Engagement and Job PerformanceThe Mediating Effect of Engagement on The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance, The Case of Ethio Telecom (Head Office)Thesis