Baraki, ZenebePhD)Ejeta, Asfaw2018-07-032023-11-102018-07-032023-11-102007-04 aim of this study was to identify the current status of information communication technology (leT) use in education in highs schools of area under study. The components of leT that the study considered includes: instructional television (Plasma display panels), compacter and internet use that were introduced by Ethiopian government to improve quality of education especially in Preparatory level high schools. The primary objective of the study was to find out perceptions, opinion, and attitudes of students and teachers towards the advantage these package leT use can offer in general and the importance lTV program offered in the following aspects that have major role to improve quality of education. The secondary objective of study was to find out whether basic factors that are useful to create leT enabled learning and teaching environment to properly implement the technologies are available. Descriptive survey method was used to identify the attitudes of students and teachers to wards the advantage the integrated leT use offered in five major aspects including introducing, new pedagogical methods, enabling collaborations, accessing remote resources, extending new educational opportunity, and enabling knowledge for the work place. It was used also to assess the attitudes of teachers and students towards the importance that TV program offered in the learning-teaching process. The developr:nent level of provision of some features (e.g. human resource, equipment supply, content development of teaching and learning materials) related to proper implementation of the technologies were identified through perception of the users and document analysis. For analysis, the data was secured from samples of 134 students of grade 12, and 52 teachers who teach different subjects on lTV, Likert's scales were used to see opinion, perceptions, and attitudes of the respondents. For basic knowledge and skill of computer IInternet use, self rating scales were used. Results of the study indicates that, attitudes of the students towards the advantages of integrated use of leT in education, and towards the importance of lTV program is positive except that, some students and teachers claim that some students could not cope with the speed and pronunciation of the TV instructors. On averag~, slightly both the students and teachers have positive attitudes towards the advantages establishment of the leT components offered in improving quality of instructions and in accessing remote resources; and there is a better students' achievement after introduction of lTV for instruction. The results indicate also that insufficient skilled personals and inadequate supply of equipments. From this it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders have to provide shortages revealed, has to expand the technology to more improve and make sustained quality of education in the CountryenEducational Planning and Manag0mentDepartment of educational planning and management in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of masters of arts In educational planning and managementThesis