Admassu, Shimelis(PhD)Abebe, Elias2018-07-162023-11-102018-07-162023-11-102007-07 feasibility study of small scale processing of pineapple jam, mango jam and dried pineapple was studied. The methodology used for the feasibility study incorporates the three environments proposed by Lecup and Nicholson (2000) namely, market, technical (scientific and technological environment) and financial and economic environments. Pineapple cultivars (Ananas Comosus L,) Smooth cayenne and Red spanish at full ripening stage were collected from Teso in Sidama Zone. Mango samples were collected from Shebedino Woreda in Sidama Zone. Physico-chemical characteristics (pH, titerable acidity and soluble solid content) of the pulp, product yield (pulp and jam yield) and organoleptic attributes (color, aroma, flavor, degree of spreadability and acceptability) of the jam formulated from the crops were evaluated to assess the suitability of the local mango and pineapple varieties for jam production and consumer acceptability. It was observed that the pulp extracted from Smooth cayenne cultivar contain higher total soluble solids (16.23° Brix) and lower titrable acidity (0.7%) compared to the Red spanish cultivar. The total soluble solid and titerable acidity of the pulp from the local mango was 15.5° Brix and 0.36% respectively. The pH values of the pulp from both crops were found to be higher than 3.6 which is the maximum limit for formation of optimum gel for High Methoxy Pectin. The pulp yield (60%) and jam yield (95.5%) were higher for Smooth cayenne cultivar as compared to the Red spanish. Jam formulated from Smooth cayenne cultivar has scored the highest mean sensory scores in all quality attributes except in taste. However, panelists have found no significant difference (p<0.05) between the jam formulated form Smooth cayenne cultivar and imported pineapple jam except for flavor. Panelists showed less preference in taste of the jam formulated from Red spanish cultivar. Drying air temperature had an important effect on thin layer drying rate of pineapple slices. Drying at higher temperature, 70°C reduces the drying time by 46.2%, 33.3% and 33.3% for 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm slice thickness respectively. vii Slice thickness affected the drying time at all drying temperatures. Drying time was considerably elongated (> 11 hr) for 8 mm slice thickness at all drying air temperatures. The local demand for fruit jam jellies and marmalade is growing rapidly. Between 2003 and 2005, fruit jam, jelly and marmalade import to Ethiopia increase by 257% and 276% in terms of volume and value respectively. The import volume and value for these products reached 268,897 kg and 2,361,745 Birr respectively in 2005. Based on the projected feasible market share of the project the production scale of the processing plant was set at 33 tones per annum with production mix of 26 tones of pineapple and mango jam and 7 tones of dried pineapple. The production system was integrated to process pineapple and mango products to make all year round processing and diversification of products by utilizing availability of pineapple and mango at different times of the year. Most equipments and machineries required for this processing plant are available in local market at reasonable price, special equipments like pulper, peeler/corer, slicer and dryer could be manufactured by local workshop with support from research institutes and universities. The total investment cost of the processing plant including working capital is estimated as Birr 379,750. The project is feasible with IRR (30.1%), NPV (Birr 601,360) and the payback period of (3.3 years) at 15 % profit margin. The project can create employment opportunity for 16 people Moreover the project could contribute to: development of fruit agri-business through improved farm gate price, availability of consumer goods, reduce post harvest loss and lay background for innovations and technology adaptationenAvailability of consumer goodsNamelyTechnical Assessment on Viability of Integrated Fruits Processing in EthiopiaThesis