Bekele Afework (Professor)Hibste Hiwot2018-07-232023-11-092018-07-232023-11-092007-04 on species composition and abundance of birds in Addis Ababa Abattoirs Enterprise were carried out from March 2006 to February 2007. The presence of food, scraps and offal, increased the species richness and abundance of birds in the area. In addition to the abundant supply of food, the availability of resting and perching structures has made Addis Ababa Abattoirs Enterprise a favorable area for different species of birds. Point count method was employed to record the relative abundance of individual bird species. The piles of bones although has unpleasant odors, it is a marvelous place for viewing vultures as well as wetland birds. The site supports 21 species of birds, including the endemic species – Wattled Ibis, White-collared Pigeon and Thick-billed Raven. The species composition decreases during wet season due to the departure of migratory birds. From the total species recorded, 57.14% were regular. The most abundant species were Hooded and African White-backed Vultures. The Vultures were usually observed flying over the study area, roosting on the roof of the slaughter house, and also on the ground either being around of feeding. Feeding activity was from 06: 00 – 18:00 h during the dry season. The fresh dumping site is intensively disturbed by human activities and thus affected the normal feeding time of birds. The urbanization level of the area affected bird community in depriving roosting trees. Most of the vultures were observed coming from southwest direction of the study area. Key words: abundance, composition, dumping site, perching, raptors, roosting, scraps, urbanizationenAbundanceCompositionDumping SitePerchingRaptorsRoostingScrapsUrbanizationSpecies composition, Abundance and Activity Pattern of Birds of Addis Ababa Abattoirs EnterpriseThesis