Mohammed, Mebruk (PhD)Belissa, Amayou2018-07-182023-11-112018-07-182023-11-112016-10 generation is one of the vital components of reservoir operation, especially for a large multi-purpose reservoir. Deriving optimal operational rules for such a large multi-purpose reservoir serving various purposes like irrigation, hydropower and flood control are complex, because of the large dimension of the problem and the complexity is more if the hydropower production is not an incidental. Thus optimizing the operations of a reservoir serving various purposes requires a systematic study. The general objective of this thesis work is to identify the causes of problems of current operational rules and developing alternative operation rules for Fincha‟a and Amerty reservoirs. In the present study such a large multi-purpose reservoir, namely, Fincha`a reservoir operations are optimized for maximizing the hydropower production subject to the condition of satisfying the irrigation demands using Excel solver. The hydropower production from the reservoir is analyzed for two different conditions. 1) Considering only fulfilling downstream demand in which yearly average energy production is found to be 678.368GWh and 2) giving priority first for power production, by taking the best alternative, the yearly average energy production is 848.931GWh. The study shows that Fincha`a dam and reservoir is having potential to generate more hydropower than producing the current production. The study concludes the main problems behind having lower energy production are inappropriate release water and Downstream Wet season water requirement and inappropriate release of water from Amerty reservoir. Key Words: Amerty Reservoir, Excel Solver, EEPCO, Fincha`a Reservoir, Release rule curve.enAmerty ReservoirExcel SolverEEPCOFincha`a ReservoirRelease rule curveEstablishing optimal reservoir operation of Fincha`a – Amerty ReservoirsThesis