Tenkir Seifu (PhD)Mesmak Berhe2024-03-042024-03-042022-06https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2120ERP systems are linked to effectiveness and efficiency of business processes because firms can get more accurate and timely information. The main objective of this research was to assess enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation; the case of Habesha breweries with respect to four Implementation factors, Top management commitment, IT infrastructure, System quality, and User Training. As a research design the study employed was descriptive research design. In this study quantitative research approaches were used. Stratified sampling on random sampling base was used to select the appropriate samples of the study. Questionnaires were used as the primary data collection instrument. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, and then presented in tables. The finding of study implies that all of the variables of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation (Top management commitment, IT infrastructure, System quality, and User Training) were found important factors of ERP system implementation of Habesha breweries and have respondent’s moderate agreement to their implementation . Accordingly, this study recommends, since the results shows that there is a positive correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable business performance, the manufacturing firm should take in to account the variables considered. Key words: Top management commitment, IT infrastructure, System quality, User Training, business performanceen-USAssessment of Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) System Implementation: The Case of Habesha BreweriesThesis