Bogale, Mengistu (Ph.D)Regassa, Demelash2020-12-122023-11-042020-12-122023-11-042020-06 health commodity management information system (HCMIS) has been implemented in Ethiopia to serve the country’s public health commodity supply chain since 2009. It is claimed to improve pharmaceutical management majorly through data visibility. These study aims to assess what are the factors affecting HCMIS implementation. Three factors are vital in the successful implementation of management information system. These are organizational factors, technological factors and human factors. A Mixed research approach using quantitative and qualitative methods and descriptive design was employed in this study. The questionnaire was developed by using 5-point Likert Scale and structured and semi- structured type questionnaire also used. To ensure reliability of this study, a Cronbach’s Alpha will performed. To ensure validity of a study, a pilot study was conducted. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and inferential statistics data analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Multiple Regression analysis of model summary shows the value of R2 is 0.551 which indicates that organizational, human and technological simultaneously contribute 55.1% variation in HCMIS implementation and the rest can be attributed to other factors. The study established that utilization of health management information for decision making was poor in most health facilities in Addis Ababa. HCMIS implementation is determined by organizational, human and technological factors especially organizational factors played a key role in enhancing followed by the human and technological factors. It is therefore recommended that these three factors should be enhanced and strengthened so as to maximize the use of information to make decisions.en-USmanagement information systemorganizational factorshuman factorstechnological factorsFactors Affecting the Implementation of Health Commodity Management Information System: The Case of Addis Ababa Public Health FacilitiesThesis