Shumey, Berhie (PhD)Bonsa, Wakjira2019-10-262023-11-042019-10-262023-11-042019-07 thesis submitted to the school of graduate studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of masters of in public management and policy (MPMP)Rehabilitations services are improve the overall participations of person with disability. Disability is habitually associated with rehabilitations services especially physical impairments needs appropriate assistive devices that fits his/her want. Luck of sufficient intervention are decreases the access of education, employment, opportunities and resources of PWDs. The Physical rehabilitations services provider in Ethiopia saturated in urban area. Prostatic and orthotics center is one among urban based physical rehabilitations services providers. It’s playing a significant role to improving the life of PWDs. Since 2017/18 only more than twenty thousand clients gets various kinds of services and products of the center. This study was conducted based on single case study designs by using qualitative methods through purposive sampling with a willingness of participates. Data were gathered from both sources by using various instruments such as opeen-ended interview, focus group discussion (FGD), observation, document review, and other necessary secondary data. It was analyzed in depth with combination of, document analysis, and, FGD and interview result including investigator observation. This study was providing the evidence-based information to advance restoration services provision for person with disability in Prosthetics and Orthotics Center.en-USChallengesDisabilityPhysical rehabilitation servicesThe challenges in providing rehabilitations services to people with disabilities in Ethiopia: empirical evidence from prosthetics-orthotics center of Addis AbabaThesis