Tefera, Seyoum (PhD)Wele, Fekru2018-08-082023-11-052018-08-082023-11-051993-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/11273The purpose of this study is, to investigate the individual, at the managing conflict strategies of interpersonal, group, and intergroup levels, as well as, to device appropriate tactics for the effective management of conflict arising in the Primary Teachers' Training Institutes of Ethiopia. Efforts were made to identify the types and causes of conflicts, conflict resolving and disciplinary mechanisms; and the major duties conflicts. Were Hence, the sample population used in the study ~4l staffs of principals in the management of randomly selected academic and administrative They are from the five zonal sampled institutes. At the same time, interviews, individual reports, and selected case studies were used to sUbstantiate the data. The computed data, using arthimatic mean, t-tests, spearman-Rank-order-correlation coefficient (rs)~Chi-square goodness-or-fit, and percentages, were used and the findings and conclusions conflict: intergroup were drawn. intrapersonal,conflicts with In this interpersonal their way, the type intragroup generating factors of and were identified. Integrating, compromising and problem solving mechanisms, oral and written reprimands, and punishment in fine disciplinary techniques showed high rate of applications for the management of conflicts. The high rank order correlation (.86) and t-tes t (no significant mean rank difference) between the academic and the administrative staffs indicated that there was high degree of agreement of attitudes towards the duties of the principals on controlling conflicts in the institutes.enA Strategy for Managing ConflictIn the Primary TeachersA Strategy for Managing Conflict in the Primary Teachers Training Institutes OfetidopiaThesis