Yitayew, Abebe (PhD)W/senbet, Guta2021-07-222023-11-042021-07-222023-11-042021-04http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/27303The implementation of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) is considered to reduce the cost of information between countries and to be an effective way to facilitate trade and investment. The study focuses on identifying the challenges and opportunities of IFRS implementation in manufacturing industries of Ethiopia. As a result, it is preferable to view the problem and opportunities in the light of developing countries in order to enrich and expand one's awareness of International Financial Reporting Standards and the issues surrounding their first implementation. The study used mixed research approach to achieve the research objectives. To achieve this objective, both primary and secondary data were collected from IFRS implementation team of manufacturing industries who were selected purposively based on their role and involvement in the implementation process. Primary data were collected through questionnaire and interview whereas secondary data were collected through literature review. The questionnaire data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and data from interview and empirical review were interpreted qualitatively. The results show that IFRS implementation provide a number of important benefits to different stakeholders. Providing better information for decision making, improves access to international market, attracts investment, promotes cross border investment, provides full & detail disclosure than the previous standard, improves understandability of financial statements. On the other hand, the challenges faced during implementation of IFRS was the lack of commitment of management during the implementation of IFRS, the knowledge gap between the various stakeholders, the lack of asset valuators, cost of asset valuators, cost of IFRS implementation is expensive, shortage of qualified professionals, cost of audit fee increased due to implementation of IFRS, the implementation road map developed by AABE does not take into account the capability and readiness of reporting entities are some listed challenges. The study suggests that empowering manpower, professionals, minimizing knowledge gap, training, creating conducive work environment for employees will help for successful implementation of IFRS.enIFRS adoption, opportunities, manufacturing Industries, ImplementationThe Challenges and Opportunities of IFRS Adoption in Ethiopia: The Case of Manufacturing IndustriesThesis