Mekonnen (Phd), TeferiGugssa, Fenta2019-12-092023-11-192019-12-092023-11-192019-06 is one of the poor countries in Africa which has been affected significantly by spatial mobility of people, voluntarily or forcefully. The country has experienced accelerated movements of population towards the capital city as well as other regional and zonal towns. The primary aim of this study was to examine the living conditions of recent urban youth in-migrants and their linkages with rural communities of origin as well as the destination among the in-migrants of Gulele, Addis Ababa. The study further focused on the analysis of major factors for In-migration to Addis Ababa, the characteristics of in-migrants, challenges they face at the destination and positive and negative aspects of in-migration. In order to carryout this study, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. Instruments like structured questionnaire, semi-structured interview, FGD and observation were employed. To this end, a total of 322 in-migrants were selected through purposive snow ball sampling technique for the questionnaire survey. Thus, the data obtained from the participants were analyzed through descriptive statistics. In addition, qualitative data were collected and analyzed to triangulate the quantitative data in descriptive forms. Many of the in- migrants encountered problems at the initial period of adjustment and during the course of stay. However, they donot have an interest to return to the place of origin. As far as the implication of in-migration on both areas of origin and destination is concerned, it is found that as a whole in-migration is less efficient in changing the lives of the In-migrants’ family at origin; rather, it creates labor burden for some households. Moreover, the findings indicate the existing trend of in-migration has forced young students to drop-out their study. In addition, it created some negative perception by the local inhabitants holding the view that in-migrants are perceived to become spoiled. Building capacity, improving work place and housing tenure security: Based on the results, recommendations are made. Key words: migration, youth ,urbanen-USKey words: migration, youth ,urbanLiving Conditions 0f Urban Youth In-Migrants and Their Linkages with their Communities 0f Origin In Gulele Subcit, Addis Ababa.Thesis