Assefa Worku Tiruneh (Assistant Professor)Tilahun Sintayehu Zenebe2024-12-262024-12-262023-11 thesis has one main objective and three specific objectives. The main objective of this thesis is to study the utilization of Indigenous culture in the "Eregnaye" TV serial drama. The specific objectives are first to explain those Indigenous cultures that are used in the ―Eregnaye‖ TV serial drama. Secondly, identify the advantages and disadvantages of focusing only on the Indigenous culture of the “Eregnaye” TV serial drama. The third specific objective of this thesis is to analyse how Indigenous cultures have created and developed the artistic and aesthetic value of the ―Eregnaye‖ TV serial drama. The significance of Indigenous culture on the aesthetic values of the "Eregnaye" TV serial drama is examined. The reason for conducting the study is lack of research papers showing how culture is used for artistic purposes. The study also argues that the use of culture for artistic purposes contributes significantly to the development of story and plot or themes of work of arts. The study has used a qualitative research method. Because of the comprehensive analysis of the drama, the following conclusions were drawn: Indigenous culture could play an important role in the development of Eregnaye's TV serial drama as a work of art. This means that the stories, settings, characters, themes, and even dialogue of “Eregnaye” TV serial dramas are shaped by Indigenous culture. Material and non-material cultures are used to drive dramatic stories. The origin and purpose of drama stories and plots are shaping Study the norms, values, and beliefs that reflect the Indigenous culture of a community/ society. Finally, Eregnaye's TV serial drama presents urbanism and modernity in a completely negative light; on the other hand, it demonstrates the positive images and qualities in Indigenous culture and indigenous knowledge.enCultureIndigenous CultureMaterial Culture and Non-Material CultureeThe Utilization of Indigenous Culture in “Eregnaye” Amharic TV Serial DramaThesis