Kassahun, Fesseha (PhD)Hailu, Lamrot2018-06-282023-11-092018-06-282023-11-092013-06http:// this thesis we study the statistical and squeezing properties of the light emitted by a nondegenerate three-level atom driven by coherent light and in a cavity coupled to a vacuum reservior via a single-port mirror. We carry out our analysis by putting the noise operators associated with the vacuum reservior in normal order and applying the large-time approximation. It is found that the mean of the two cavity modes are equal. In addition, the photon number statistics is Poissonian for < 0:13 and sub-Poissonian for 0:13. Our result shows that the photon numbers of modes a and b are uncorrelated. We have also calculated the quadrature variance for the separate modes and for the superposition of the two modes. It turns out that mode a is in a chaotic state for arbitrary values of c and but mode b is in chaotic state for c << and in a coherent state for c >> and the superposed cavity modes are in a squeezed state. Furthermore, we have determined the quadrature squeezing of the superposed cavity modes. The maximum quadrature squeezing is found to be 43% below the coherent-state levelenThree-Level AtomDynamics of a Coherently Driven Nondegenerate Three-Level AtomThesis