Yonas Alemayehu SoressaYohanna Rezene Elias2024-03-292024-03-292023-06-01https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2647Due to the poor housing conditions of the city, Addis Ababa city has undergone inner city redevelopment; as a result, the government utilized the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) as one of its strategies for redevelopment. The IHDP has had several benefits in improving the physical, social, and economic image of the city and creating job opportunities for micro and small enterprises (MSEs), and other actors involved. Several studies have indicated the existence of quality problems in condominium houses in the IHDP and to solve these quality issues it is vital to understand the construction process undergone. To get a deeper understanding, this study addresses the MSEs which are the largest stakeholders in the IHDP among the actors involved in the construction work by assessing their engagement in the construction of condominium housing using the relation between process and the outcomes. A case study method was conducted to provide an in-depth understanding by taking the Basha Wolde Chilot condominium as a case and both qualitative and quantitative data were used. The findings show that the types of work performed by MSEs during the IHDP process are greater than that of other sectors that participated in the program, accounting for 60% of the total work. The study classified its findings into three categories based on quality issues, time delay, and cost overruns. The insufficient training given to MSEs that lasted seven to ten days caused quality issues, moreover, inadequate supervision and approval of MSEs work created a comfortable structure for MSEs to compromise the quality of the work. In addition, the engagement of unskilled MSEs led the task to being reworked again, and MSEs who left the work contract without any notice led to work delay. Moreover, the improper usage of supplied material and usage of damaged and replaced material with low-standard material during installation created cost overrun. Because of that, the MSEs’ work in the condominium resulted in 80% of the respondents doing from simple to entire house modification and replacement. The research recommends selection of MSEs candidates in the IHDP should be based on the qualification of their working sector upon the decision of contractors. Furthermore, professionals who can guide MSEs during construction should be assigned for a better quality of the outcome and future studies could be carried out to assess other stakeholder’s engagement in the IHDP. Keywords: Micro and small enterprises, housing construction process, integrated housing development program, urban redevelopment.enEngagement of Micro and Small Enterprises In the Construction Process of Condominium Housing the Case of Basha Wolde Chilot Condominium Redevelopment ProjectThesis