Seged, Hadush (PhD)Redie, Tesfahun2018-06-272023-11-112018-06-272023-11-112010-05 analysis of soils can be undertaken using empirical and numerical methods. The problems related to empirical analysis of consolidation are the involvement of the determination for time factor using empirical equation obtained from curve fitting method. The empirical correlation of the time factor and the load application do not represent the actual situation where soil properties are assumed to be spatially and temporally invariant and thus, average property values are used. In reality, however, these soil parameters usually vary from point to point (heterogeneous) and these parameters may vary in time while a consolidation process is occurring due to an external influence such as surface pressure. Moreover, it is difficult to model and make consolidation analysis for variable loading conditions. In order to solve this problem, numerical analysis using Finite Difference Method is proposed. The finite difference method uses the original governing consolidation equation and provides the solution of a continuous problem by representing it in terms of a discrete set of elements such that there is a number of points in depth and time at which one calculates the field variables, in this case the excess pore water pressure, consolidation settlement and average degree of consolidation. Thus, this thesis involves development of user friendly application software for consolidation analysis using finite difference method. In the hope of achieving this goal, a computer program named ConsolAnalysis has been developed. The analysis capabilities of the software comprises of consolidation analysis for homogeneous and stratified soils subjected to constant loading, variable loading, and abrupt change of loading with constant and variable coefficient of consolidation.enGeotechniquesSoftware Development for Consolidation Analysis Under Various Loading Conditions Using Finite Difference MethodThesis