Mengesha (Phd), GetachewAbdela, Ibrahim2018-11-092023-11-182018-11-092023-11-182016-10-09 cope with today’s rapidly changing and competitive business environment knowledge management is viewed as key strategic tool by business organization. Effective management of both individual and organizational knowledge with in the work place has become important to business organization for their success. The main purpose of this study was to identify the impact of knowledge management on organization performance in insurance organization, specifically in Ethiopian Insurance Corporation (EIC). A survey questionnaire was used to collect data. A total of 186 questionnaires were distributed and 172 were returned. From the returned questionnaires three were discarded during screening phase, SMARTPLS version 3 and SPSS version 20 were used for data analysis and reporting. The measurement model satisfied the required level of reliability and validity matrices. The assessment made on the structural model reveals the R-squared (R2) value of 0.652 .This value considered to be substantial. On the other hand Q-squared (Q2) were 0.364 indicate that the structural model has good predicative relevance for organizational performance. The result of the study shows that elements of knowledge enabler capability and knowledge process capability have positive impact on knowledge management capability. Knowledge process capability strongly related to KMP than knowledge enabler capability in this study .Organizational structure has strong positive relationship to knowledge enabler capability than the other elements. Knowledge application strongly influences knowledge process capability when compared to the four observable construct. The hypotheses test result shows that all the proposed hypotheses were statistically significant and supported on this research.enManagement On Organizational Performance: The Case Of Ethiopian Insurance CorporationThe Impact Of Knowledge Management On Organizational Performance: The Case Of Ethiopian Insurance CorporationThesis