Kitila, Tamene (PhD)Geda, Solomon2021-03-182023-11-092021-03-182023-11-092001-06 study was mainly designed to investigate the extent to which the cooperating teachers are aware of th eir mentoring role, the extent to which they discharge their mentoring duties and factors that affect of the teachers' mentoring activities. The subj ects of th e study were English teachers in five cooperating secondary schools in Addis Ababa who have served as 'mentors' in the last five yea rs, student school directors and English department heads, the teaching practice supervisor, head of the university's teaching practice coord inating unit and teachers in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature Addis Ababa University (AAU). The data collecting tools used were questionnaire, interview and the student teachers' diaries. Some of the data are quantitative while others are qual itative in nature. Therefore , both quanti tative and qualitative data analysis methods were used. For th e analysis of the quantitative data, descriptive stati stics like, frequency, percentage and mean were used, whereas, the qualita tive data were described and explained. The study has general ly shown th at the cooperating teachers are aware that they are supposed to serve as 'mentors' and that then are ready to work with the student teachers. However, there are pieces of evidence in the data that show that thecooperating teachers do not seem to be successfu lly discharging their mentoring duties. For example, the study has noted the following as factors that affect the cooperating teachers successful discharg ing of their mentoring duties shortage of the teaching practice time, weaker liaison between the university and the coopera ting schools, the university's failure to give due attention to the student teaching practice program and lack of enthu siasm and under performance in the teaching practice on the part of the stud ent teachers.en-USMentoring RoleSome Insights into the Mentoring Role of High School English Teachers: F1ve Secondary Schools in FocusThesis