Wirtu, Dessu(PhD)Teka, Haile2018-07-172023-11-102018-07-172023-11-102011-04http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/9009The main purpase af this study Ivas to assess the implemenlation of child-la-child project in Tigray region. The studyjocused on challenges and prospects of Ihe project with Ihe aim to suggest possible soilitions 10 the idenlified problems. The research methodology employed in this study was descriptive survey. Accordingly, survey questionnaire items lIIere prepared The queslionnaires pilot tested and administered to a sample of 210 suhjects composed o[ 125 ./acilitators. -12 leachers and -13 PTA members. A lotal of 200(95.2%) olthe qllestionnaires were properly/Wed in and returned. In addilionlo this. interview and documel1l analysis lI'ere made to coileci Ihe necess(fl), injiJrmaliol1. The reSt/lis obtailled Ivere analy::ed by using descriplive slalislicaltools such asji-eqllency counts. percenlages, weighted II/eans. und chi-squire lesl. 711e jinding of Ihe study revealed thai the status of bene/iciaries· participation in ctc project implemenlalion of Ihe project area is high. It also revealed that beneficiaries believed that the impaci of the projeci on Ihe education of children is '-high " it is also revealed that the monitoring and evailialion aclivities were low. Regarding Ihe in/luenc ingfaclors. Ihe ctc projecl implemenlationwasfound to be lack (jfresollrces: lack ofsufficiel1ltraining and lack O[slll'l)ort ji-OIl7 other departments. have been identified as a major/c/cton allecting the etc projeel sllccess in Eastern zone of Tigray. Lack of availability (jf long term ./imd: parents dependency on child labor: insulficienl leaching and learning malerials: lack af incentives ./01' teachers und facilitators: lack ofaclive communicalion: poor planning and lI1anagement; were ./illlnd to be the lI1()/or challenges thai encollntered Ihe ctc projeci. From this/inding it was concilided that the implemenlulion process of Ihe etc projeci 1\'as going ' I'ell in Easlern Tigray. monitoring and evaluation activities were no/well planed. most of/he challenges were economic constraints and that these problem.,· might aifect the effectiveness and slIstainability of Ihe etc project. Fa alleviate the above problems, the researcher recoll1mended fhar promoting cOlJl1J11ll1ily (fll'arCI1CSS about the importonce o/Ihe projec/: porlieipalOl), monitoring and evaluation: incentive schell/CI· for young fae ililators: slIstainability strategy should be developed: mobili:in)!, comllllll1ity IowaI'd,· financing Ihe projeci and should Ivark effectively with stakeholders in provision III sufficienl leaching and learning malerials. Finally, Ihe practices of etc approach should be inlrociuced to curriculum of teacher Iraining inslitutions in order to enhance this innovalil'e educalional idea and practice.enChild Educational ProjectAssessment of Child-To-Child Educational Project .Implementation In Eastern Tigray: Challenges And ProspectsThesis