Muhammad, Endris (PhD)Bedru, Amir Bedru2018-06-112023-11-302018-06-112023-11-302017-09 thesis presents the biography of Šayò Muḥammad Tağ AD-Dīn and clarifications of codicological and content description and historical insights on his biographical manuscript titled ʼIʻlāmul ’aġebiyā bi- ḥayāt ʻuẓ’amā ʼItyubiyā min al-ʻulamā wal ʼawliyā wasalāṭ’īn al-Islām wa’sāṭīnulʼaṣfiyā. Enlightening the innocent about the biography of the famous Ethiopian‗Ulamā, Saints and Islamic Sultanates and pious Rulers‖. The manuscript deals with the biography of different sheikhs, explanations on religious issues and some insights on different historical facts of our country. The study focuses on different historical issues and the judgments given on consumption of local customs like chewing cat, gobädän and using rosary and drinking coffee.enŠayò Muḥammad TağThe Biographical Manuscript of Šayò Muḥammad Tağ Ad-Dīn with Historical InsightsThesis