Hassen, Mohammed (PhD)Mekonnen, Dereje2021-04-072023-11-082021-04-072023-11-082009-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/25987In the midst of the broadcasting of football games particularly the Engli sh Premier League games in Ethiopia recently youth have been exposed to different kinds of foreign produced media products. It is obvious that Ethiopia, as part of the world-wide trend of influence brought about by globalization, is subject to a situation marked by the increased flow into the country and consumption by the local aud ience of foreign- produced media products. While at this time English Premier League games take lead in terms of consumption rates of foreign media products. This study, in particular, under the title of "An Investigation into the Reception of English Premier League Games by Ethiopian Youth in Addis Ababa" is interested in investigating the web of meanings that arise from the viewing of Engli sh Premier League among Ethiopian youth. With this end in view, the study employed observation, fo cus group interviews, and individual in-depth interviews to gather the data needed to make sense of the youth's viewing experience. The findings of the study show that youth in their interaction with media contents transmitted in settings far from theirs, actively interpret them in light of the subjective values, aspirations and concerns within their lives. What the youth's own responses reveal is that the pl urality of meanings they make when viewing English Premier League games represent a challenge to the premises of the media imperialism thesis, which put forward the homoginizating role of the Developed countries media in terms of propagating developed countries values and interests at the expense of the developing countries like Ethiopia. The concept of homogenization fails to accurately describe the consumption of forei gn media messages by local audiences. The research also shows that the coming into the picture of such regional media as produced by nations like Great Britain raises the question whether media imperialism thesis IS adequate in terms of explaining the overwhelmingly complicated global exchange.enEnglish Premier League GamesEthiopian Youth in Addis AbabaAn Investigation into the Reception of English Premier League Games by Ethiopian Youth in Addis AbabaThesis