Derbe Leul(PhD)Mekonnen Baze(PhD)Genzeb Siraye2020-06-042023-11-062020-06-042023-11-062019-06 Contraceptive discontinuation is one of a worldwide problem that has a negative consequence on maternal, neonatal and infant health. Twenty- five million out of 74 million unintended pregnancies were resulted from contraceptive discontinuation and it account 33% of unintended birth and 35% of unintended pregnancy. To decrease this problem, identifying factors lead to contraceptive discontinuation is crucial. So the objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of modern contraceptives discontinuation and associated factors among married reproductive aged group women in Debre Berhan town, Ethiopia, 2019. Methods: Community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Debre Berhan town.Study participants were selected by using systematic random sampling and data was collected by using semi-structured face-to-face interview questionnaire. The data was entered in epidata version 4.2 then exported to SPSS version 25 for analysis. Result: The finding of this study showed that the prevalence of modern contraceptive discontinuation among married reproductive age group women who had a history of modern contraceptives use within 5 years at the time of survey was 35.2% with the mean duration of use 2.6±2.1months. Multiple logistic regressions results with p-value of 0.05 and CI of 95% demonstrated that, women who could not read and write (AOR=4.95),had primary educational status (AOR=3.89), had secondary educational status (AOR=2.98), were not live with their husband (AOR=3.81), had experienced side effects while using modern contraceptives (AOR=2.45), had not gotten counseling (AOR=5.50) , haven’t gotten husband acceptance to use (AOR=3.85)were significantly associated with modern contraceptive discontinuation. Conclusion and recommendation: In conclusion modern contraceptive discontinuation was 35.2%. Educational status, were not living with their husband, had experienced side effects, did not get counseling, have not gotten husband support, were predictors for modern contraceptive discontinuation. Counseling and awareness creation among community should be made to decrease modern contraceptives discontinuation rate.en-USModern contraceptives discontinuation, reproductive age group women, Debre BerhanAssessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Immediate Postpartum Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device and Associated Factors among Postpartum Women at Selected Governmental Hospitals in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia , 2019.Thesis