Abi PhD, MeskeremAmare, Samrawit2022-06-222023-11-182022-06-222023-11-182021-09http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/32112headed household were low dietary diversity. The ordered logistic regression result further indicates that for female headed household age of household head, cultivated land size and amount of crop produced had positive significant and amount of land rent out had negative significant on female headed household food security status. For male headed household cultivated land, TLU and amount of crop produced positively significant and also land rent out and credit access are negatively significant on male headed household food security status, the study finding was significant at p<0.01, p<0.05 and p< 0.10 level. The study conclude that socio-economic and institutional factors had significant effect on female and male headed household on household food security in the study area. Finally, the study recommended that female headed household need attention and support to improve agriculture productivity and to enhance their food security situation and household cultivated land size and household total income have potential on enhancing household food security.enFemale headed household, Household food insecurity access scale, ordered logit, Household of dietary diversity, Angolela Tera, EthiopiaDeterminants of Rural Female-headed Households’ Food Security Status: The Case of Angolela Tera Woreda, Amhara Region- EthiopiaThesis