Berhanu, T. (PHD)Tesfaye, Endeshaw2020-09-162023-11-042020-09-162023-11-042020-06 Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements of Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration and Development ManagementThe study was to examine the Comparative analysis of human resource retention policy on employees’ organizational commitment (In the case of private and public banks) using drivers of organizational commitment as an indicator. Data was gathered from private and governmental banks around Mexico Megenaga and Merkato area bank branches of Dashen Bank ,Awash Bank ,Wegagen Bank and Commercial banks and Head office branch of Development Bank of Ethiopia . Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the empirical data and also cluster sampling was used followed by systematic sampling to select the samples. Primary data were collected using five Point Likert-Scale questionnaires and a structured interview and 184 responses were properly filled and returned. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyze empirical data collected through the close ended questionnaire. The independent variables that affect employees` retention programs are compensation, job security, Training and development, working conditions, supervisor support culture, and organizational justice whereas the dependent variable is employees’ organizational commitment. The mean and standard deviation of the dependent and independent variables were computed and interpreted. Pearson correlation Coefficient (r) was used to determine the relationship between each independent variable with the dependent variable. The descriptive statistics result indicated that the mean value of private and Governmental organization for compensation (mean=2.65and mean=2.75), Supervisor Support Culture (mean=2.69 and mean=2.66), Work Environment (mean=2.75and mean=2.70), Organizational Justice (mean=2.85and mean=2.87), and Organizational Commitment (mean=2.78 and mean=2.75) respectively were below average which indicate that employees in general are not committed in both private and governmental banks. The correlation result indicated that there were positive relationship between all of independent variables and the dependent variable, rejecting all null hypotheses. This implies that any increase or decrease on the independent variable will bring corresponding change on employees’ organizational commitment. It’s found that the independent variables from private has a 48% influence on the dependent variable and 49.8% influence on the dependent variable of governmental banks while the remaining 52% from private and 50.02% from governmental are influenced by factors unaccounted in this research. It was concluded that the organization’s management expectation to increase overall employees’ commitment as a result of the said staff retention policies did not materialize for various reasons such as lengthy and bureaucratic process and various eligibility criterion.enCompensation, Job securitySupervisor support cultureTraining and DevelopmentWorking ConditionsComparative Analysis Of Human Resource Retention Policy On Employees Organizational Commitment (In The Case Of Private And Public Banks)Thesis