Tsehay Phd, SolomonGebremariam, Welay2020-03-032023-11-182020-03-032023-11-182019-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/20812Ethiopia is one of the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries affected by chronic and transitory food insecurity problems. Ganta-Afeshum Woreda is among the most food insecure areas in Ethiopia. Research shows that participation in rural non-farm activities exerts a pronounced impact on agriculture, household farm decisions, rural development, income and welfare as well as household food security. This paper investigates the effect of participation in non-farm activities on household income and food security among rural households in Ganta-afeshum Woreda, Tigray region of Ethiopia. Non-farm activity is believed in helping to address this problem thereby reducing rural poverty, food insecurity as well as improving the overall contribution to the national economy. Both primary and secondary data were collected and used in the study. Data were collected from 181 household heads. Household sample were stratifying into two households who participated in farm activities and households who were not participated in farm activity and random sampling techniques were employed to select the sample respondents. Secondary data were collected by reviewing different documents. Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and ordered logistic regression were used for analyzing quantitative data. In the econometric analysis factors that affect the household food security is analyzed using the ordered logistic regression. The descriptive statistics revealed that 23% of the households participated in farm activities and 61% of them were not participated in farm activity were found to be food secure while 77% of households participated in farm activities and 39% were not participated in farm activity were found to be food insecure. The major findings of the study indicate that educational status of household head, TLU, non-farm activity, access to credit, skill status and marital status condition of household heads were positively and significantly affected household food security. The study concluded that were not participated in farm activity is one of the viable solutions to secure household food needs and diversify their diet composition in the study area. Finally, it is recommended that governmental and non-governmental organization should expand access to households who were not participated in farm activity by encouraging households to improve their food security.enFood securityDietary diversityNon-farm activityHouseholdThe Effect of Non-Farm Activity on Food Security in Ganta-Afeshum Woreda, Eastern Zone Of Tigray, EthiopiaThesis