H/Mariam Sebsibe (PhD)Gashaw Ruth2018-06-222023-11-292018-06-222023-11-292011-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2888This paper presents a web-based expert system for Ethiopian coffee. Coffee is one of the major cash crop and major source of foreign currency for Ethiopia and contributes more than 35% of the total export earnings. It is cultivated in vast areas in the country. In Ethiopia, farmers get information or consultation from extension workers who serve as mediator between farmers and experts. Extension workers obtain information from documents, manuals and during training. This information may not enough to respond users’ question. At this time they need experts’ assistance. But the experts are not always available. This expert system is intended to help extension workers by solving the problems they faced when experts help is not available. This project is a rule-based expert system which covers three main classes of problems namely coffee diseases, coffee insect/pests and weed, normally encountered in coffee. The system provides proper consultation for identifying the cause of disorder and recommendation for prevention mechanisms. The system has been evaluated by domain experts and the analysis result shows that, the system is acceptable. KEYWORDS: Web-based expert systems, Agriculture, Ethiopian coffee, Coffee diseases, Coffee pest, symptoms and e2gRuleEngine expert system shell.enWeb-Based Expert SystemsAgricultureEthiopian CoffeeCoffee DiseasesCoffee PestSymptoms and E2gruleengine Expert System ShellA Web Based Expert System for Diagnosis of Disease and Pest in Ethiopian CoffeeThesis