Taye Regassa(PhD)Abayneh Feleke2024-03-212024-03-212023-10https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2568The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of dynamic assessment of speaking skill on learners‘ oral performance. The study mainly focused on examining effects of dynamic assessment (DA) of grammatical structures during dialogues on learners‘ English language speaking fluency and accuracy in their monologues.The research also aimed at identifying teacher‘s mediation moves and learners‘ reciprocity patterns exhibited during student-teacher interplay between DA1 and DA2. The study employed an embedded research design that nests both quantitative and qualitative approaches within a larger experimental study. The research participants were two sections of second-year English major students(N=48) , who were grouped into treatement and control groups based on systematic random sampling. Moreover, two English language lecturers ,who were selected using voluntary sampling, involved in the study.The quantitative data , that is, learners‘ scores of oral fluency and grammar accuracy, were collected using six speaking questions (monologues) and were scored using PRAAT software and Weighted Clause Ratio(WCR), respectively. Then, the data were analysed using SPSS to see the effects of DA on learners‘ oral fluency and grammar accuracy. On the other hand, the qualitative data such as teacher‘s mediation moves and learners‘ reciprocity patterns were inductively drawn from DA1 and DA2 using thematic analysis and line-by-line coding. Then, microgenetic analysis was employed to examine moment-by-moment changes of learners in terms of the nature, qualities and frequencies of mediation they demanded and the patterns and nature of responsiveness they exhibited in DA1 and DA2. The finding showed that DA had not brought statistically significant effect on learners‘ oral fluency. However, DA helped the learners show statistically significant effect on their control over grammatical structures during monologue. Also, the microgenetic analysis on teacher‘s mediations moves and learners‘ reciprocity patterns revealed that learners‘ grammar accuracy during dialogue and their reciprocating ability remarkably improved after the intervention. From all these findings, it was concluded that DA helped learners move their ability to control over grammar accuracy and reciprocating ability from their Zone of Actual Performance(ZAP) to their Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD).The result implies that including DA as an alternative form of assessment/instruction in the ELT curriculum can help learners‘ oral proficiency bring to the required level.en-USEffects of Dynamic Assessment of Learners’ English Language Speaking Skills on Their Oral Proficiency: The Case of English Majors at Hawassa UniversityThesis