Setegn, Lenuna (PhD)Mengesteab, Solomon2019-02-012023-11-102019-02-012023-11-102010-06 study is mainly. aimed at investigating the problems encountered by 1VET graduates in the due course of engaging and opera ting Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE). Moreover. an attempt has been made to assess the process of MSE development and Micro Finance loan delivery in relation to 1VET graduates. To investigate the problems. initially available 81 target respondents from select ed three sub-cities namely. Arada. Bole and Kirkos sub-cities have been taken as a sample target and potential respondents. The selected three sub-cities could reasonably represent the ten sub-cities of Addis Ababa. AVailability sampling method was used to select the respondents and include in the s tudy. In order to achieve the objectives of the study. descriptive survey method has been employed. To meet the purpose of the study additional documents and related litera ture review has been made; in the mean time. prima IY data are collected through structured questionnaires. in a ddition. interview. observation. and focu s group discussion also took place. Findings revealed that. 1VET graduates under the study are surrounded by various problems. such as the problem of finance. place for work and sales. the problem of market. technology. backwardness of working materials. poor business management. market research. financial management skill and lack of continuous training in business and business related areas. are some. Those problems are not only the problem of target respondents but also they are the problems that hinder the development of MSE sector as a major bottleneck. The researcher believes that the fmdings in the study are sensible and timely wake-up call. to all concerned bodies. It needs an urgent action to solve the major bottleneck problems by filling those identified gaps that hindered the 1VET and MSE sector development; the powerful tools to bring about all rounded development in Addis Ababa.enVocationa lEducation and TrainingProblems of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Tvet) Graduates in Operating Micro and Small Enterprises (Mse) in Addis Ababa: The Case of Selected Sub-CitiesThesis