Dr. Akililu Feleke, Dr. Tesfaye SisayYARED, DENDANA2020-06-182023-11-082020-06-182023-11-082014-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/21784A cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of Bacillus cereus, load of the bacteria in raw milk and associated risk factors, and its public health significance was conducted on 384 lactating cows in and around Wolaita Sodo dairy farms between November 2013 and June 2014 using CMT test, bacteriology and questionnaire survey. The prevalence of Bacillus cereus in raw cow milk was 16.14% at cow level. The Bacillus cereus count ranges from 1.04x103-1.06x106CFU/ml. From positive samples, 67.74% (42/62) of total samples have significant counts (>105 CFU/ml) which was above legal limit in raw milk intended for human consumption. Bacillus cereus was shown to be one of the causative agents of subclinical mastitis since the bacterium was isolated at rates of 22.66%, 2%, 4.88%, 4.76% of negative, +1, +2, +3 scores of CMT, respectively. As the result indicated muddy floor type, semi-intensive management system, mid lactation and early parity were highly contaminated with B. cereus. An attempt was made to assess public health implication and source of raw milk contamination by using semi- structured questionnaire survey. Furthermore, antibiotic susceptibility testing of the isolates showed that udder infections with Bacillus cereus may not be cured by treatment regimes penicillin G, kanamycin, tetracycline, ampicilin and polimyxin B; the isolates were found to be susceptible to chloramphenicol(86.36%) followed by clindamycine(77.27%). In conclusion, our study results indicated that raw samples were highly contaminated with Bacillus cereus, exceeding the legal limit set for raw milk (>105 CFU/ml), suggesting the need for effective hygienic measures to be introduced in milk value chains during milk production, distribution and processing and food service establishments to avoid public health hazards.enAntibiotic susceptibilityBacillus cereusBacterial countCMT testPrevalenceA STUDY ON PREVALENCE, PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE AND THE ASSSOCIATED RISK FACTORS OF BACILLUS CEREUS ON BOVINE RAW MILK IN SELECTED DAIRY FARMS IN AND AROUND WOLAITA SODO, SNNPR, ETHIOPIAThesis