Abitie, Asres (PhD)Nigussie, Bemnet2022-04-192023-11-042022-04-192023-11-042021-10http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/31434This study was attempted to examine the effect of women empowerment (participating in decision-making, sharing information, and training and development) on performance of selected private insurance companies in Ethiopia. The research was to examine whether participating in decision-making, sharing information, and training and development significantly affect company’s performance. Based on this, performance of company was dependent variable and others are independent variables (participation in decision-making, sharing information, and training and development). Both explanatory and descriptive research design were adopted for the study by using quantitative approach. The study focused on a target population of women employees of the selected private insurance companies in Ethiopia where the companies were selected based on their market share. Multi-stage sampling method was used to select respondents. Primary data was used to collect the data from the sample through structured questionnaires. The data collected from questionnaires were analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 24 and the finding was interpreted based on the listed hypothesis and regression model and descriptive and inferential statistics. The finding revealed that the three independent variables has a positive and significant effect on companies’ performance. Therefore, companies are recommended to give great attention on women empowerment with related to their company’s performanceenwomen empowermentorganizational performancedecision makingsharing informationtraining and developmentThe Effect of Women Empowerment on Organizational Performance: A Case of Selected Private Insurance Companies in EthiopiaThesis