Zewdu, Ashagrie (PhD)Negib, Haileab2022-04-052023-11-092022-04-052023-11-092019-06http:// of cereal commodilies by mOlilds and lIIycoloxins resllils in cby IIwller, qualily, and nlllrilional losses and represenls a signijicanl hazard 10 Ihe food chain Ajlaloxins are loxic, hepalocarcinogenic, secondmy lIIeraboliles of Aspergillus species prodllced in 1II0s1 agricullllral commodilies, slored 01 inappropriale lemperallires and lValer aClivilies. Ajlaloxin conlaminalion of lef! in Erhiopia lVas reporled in 1987, indicaling Ihal ill!;her probabililY of conI aminal ion of leff, sampled Fom differenl parI of Erhiopia. The objeclive oflhis sludy lVas 10 invesligale occurrence of lola I ajlaloxin in lef!prodllced by commercial farms of Elhiopia and Ihe ef!ecl of slored lemperallire and relalive humidilY lVas also invesligaled In addilion, KAP sllldy lVas also conducled on OlVners and employees of commercial farmers. A IOled of Eleven commercial lef! producing farms lVere randoml)! selecled and, Ajlaloxin B1, B2, C I and C2 were delermined al microgram per kilogram (JIg/kg) levels by immllno-ajjinily column clean lip and reversed-phase liquid chromatography lVilh fluo rescence defection. The result showed all of Ihem were below the maximllm (4 Ilg/kg) ,olerable level of Elhiopion lef! jlollr slandard The highesl AF concenlralion lVas 3.99 JIg/kg and Ihe 10IVesl concenlralions lVas 0.5 JIg/kg. Blil 91% cOnlaminaled by AFB1 and 45% lVere lInsaJe Jar direcl hllman consumplion as per Ihe Elhiopian and EU maximllm (2 JIg/kg) ,olerable inlake level and, 27% oj Ihe samples velY close (above 3pg/kg) 10 Ihe 4I'g/kg. 711e highesl ajlaloxin BllevellVasJound in lVesl Cojam 3.25 Ilg/kg and aj/aloxin B1 is nole delecled in sample form Adam Elhiopia. From Ihe samples analysec/, 13. 88%, 0%, 8.38% and 77.73% were conlaminaled lV ilh qllanlifiable concenlralions of ajlaloxin C2, C1, B2 and 81 respeclively. Ajlaloxin C2 (/3.88%) and BI (77.73%) concenlralions lVere relalively higher Ihan Ihe olhers. In addilion, KA P sllldy lVas condllcled on commercial farms and il sholVs Ihe/l, Ihe farmers had knolVledge on mycoloxin re/a/ed question but their know/edge (0 AFs pracUce 100vards reducing the contaminalion level of A Fs is nol enough. Key word s: Ana toxin, Terr, KAP assessment, Immune-a affinity columnenAnatoxinTerrKAP assessmentImmune-a affinity columnAflatoxin Status in Teff Produced By Commercial Farms for Export Purpose in EthiopiaThesis