Elshaday Kifle (PhD)Niguse Gerie2023-12-072023-12-072023-06-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/340The main purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of EPU curriculum design and delivery of human rights course in light of HRE methodology. To achieve this objective, the researcher used qualitative research design. In this study, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. Interview, focus group discussions and document analysis were used as viable instrument for data collection. The data was collected from 5 EPU instructors, and from 19 AAPC employees who were EPU students, who have deep and relevant information about the problem under study. The data gathered were analyzed by following narration of interviews as well as focus group discussion in line with the themes raised in the research questions. The study found that though human rights education is offered as a course in EPU, yet, fundamental human rights issues were not well addressed. The result of the study also portrayed that learning objectives were not compatible with human rights education methodology that is the content of the course focused on cognitive domain rather than affective and psycho motor domains. Moreover; the EPU curriculum was not effective in terms of changing the attitudes and behavior of police. Therefore, it may be concluded that causing the police to failure to respect human rights. Hence, it was recommended that the university better to revise the modules and syllabus that makes sure learning objectives well addressed the practical skills and attitudes in addition to knowledge. It may also be required to provide and follow up the execution mechanisms for tracking behavioral change of police as part of human rights education assessment.en-USAssessing the Effectives of Ethiopia Policy University Curriculum Design and Delivery in Light of Human Rights Education MethodologyThesis