Guta, Berhanu (PhD)Abebe, Samuel2020-12-102023-11-042020-12-102023-11-042011-01-01 set covering problem (SCP) is a fundamental problem in the class of covering problems. Given a finite set and a family , ,…, of subsets of . . , , 1,2,…, the set covering problem is to find the minimum cardinality 1,2,…, such that . The elements of are called points. Given 1,2,…, , a point is said to be covered if it belongs to . In the case of minimum cost covering each set have a cost 0 and our aim will be minimizing Σ such that . In this project I focused, in general, on the subject matter of the problem and the main applications together with some basic algorithms for obtaining optimal (near-optimal) solutions including some MatLab programming.enOptimal SetCoveringApplicationOptimal Set Covering With ApplicationThesis