W. Yohannes, Legesse (PhD)Kifle, Anketsebrhan2018-06-202023-11-082018-06-202023-11-081980-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2399Samples were collected from the three sites: Sendafa, Debte Ilerhan and Fiche to study changes induced by "Guie" practice. 'l'he chemical and physical changes as well as the growth of barley in these soils was compared for the three sites. The laboratory study involved the determinations for particle size distribution, the ignition experiment, the determination for changes in orga~ic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, pH, eleotrical conductivity, carbonates, the exchangeable c~tions, the cation exchange capacity properties of the soils.' Plant analysis for percent nitl'ogen and percent phosphorous was determined for barley grown in the greenhouse experiment. In the Greenhouse experiment the height of barley plants was recorded as well as the counts on emergence, heading and fresh and dry weights and weed score was done to evaluate the differences between the three sites. The results from the laboratory and greenhouse studies showed similar variations among the treatments of the three sites. 'rhe interior heap layers exposed to high temperatures both the negative and positive effeots from "Guie" practice. The main positive effects were found to be the increase in available phosphorous and the change from find to sand sized particles. In contrast the main negative effects were found to be the losses in organic carbon and total nitrogen. The growth study in the greenhouse experiment also showed variations only among the treatments. The best growth was found to be in the mixed treatment where optimum condition was a.ttained by mixing all the different Guie affec ted and unaffec ted soils .•enBiologyA Comparative Study on the Effect of Gulein Three Areas: Sendafa , Debre Berhan and FicheThesis