Wondimu, Habtamu (PhD)Shanko, Desalegne2018-06-282023-11-182018-06-282023-11-181993-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/4415Sixty nine statements from different spheres of life, reflecting students' future time orientation (FrO) were locally prepared, and administered to 500 grade 10 and 11 students from central Ethiopia. Item analyses through principal component analysis and item-test correlation yielded 51 items and 16 FrO factors with varimax rotation. The relationship between FrO scale versus students' achievement, sex, dwelling, socio-economic status (SES), parents' level of education and perceived intrinsic instrumentality (PI) was investigated. Employing stepwise regression and X2 analyses a significant effect was found due to achievement and PI. Separate as well as combined effects of the rest of variables were not significant. Consequently, the scale can profitably be used for assessing strength of motivation. Inspite of the developmental stage of adolescence that enables them to assert the future events realistically, the present findings were interpreted with respect to 'heuristic-bias' (Manger & Tiegen, 1988) that might have occured. Further research directions particularly, for selecting significant variables associated with FTO have been proposedenEducationStudents' Future Time Orientation as A Function of School Performance and Home Environment in Central Ethiopia: Instrument Development and ValidationThesis