V. Davydov, V.(PhD)Kassahun, Fesseha2018-07-272023-11-182018-07-272023-11-181983-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/10178The power radiated per harmonic into a unit solid ang l e by a monopol e in uniform c ircul ar moti on i s computed . Then t he pol arizati on of monopole synchrotron radiation is investigated, and found to have certain distinct f eatures compared with that of electron synchrotron r adiation . This, we hope, may serve as a theoretical background i n the search fcr monopoles. Finally, the energy transferred from a scattered monopole to an e l ectron initially at rest i s determinedenElectron-Monopole ScatteringMonopole Synchrotron Radiation and Electron-Monopole ScatteringThesis