Wuhib, Tigist (PhD)B. Ayano, Etsegenet2019-09-092023-11-182019-09-092023-11-182019-01http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/19038The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the psychosocial support given at three compassion assisted projects found in Addis Ababa. There were three main criteria considered during this evaluation; if the PSS contains all the three PSS domains, if service providers meet all PSS principles, if PSS given under these projects meet youth psychosocial needs. Exploratory methodology was used to explore the meaning that the transition from student to professional counselor had for three last semester counseling interns. Content data analysis was used to sort out, categorize and analyze the data gathered from both research participants; youth project beneficiaries and project service providers.enEducationAssessment of Adequacy of Youth Psychosocial Support: A Case of 3 Selected Compassion Assisted Projects in Addis AbabaThesis