Hamere Yohannes (PhD)Atirsaw Chale2024-05-022024-05-022024-02https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2908Every developmental effort and human activity depends on land. Therefore, systematic recording of land ownership is essential to ensure the rights of landowners. This paper focuses on the developing a Cadastral Information System (CIS) using Geographic Information System (GIS). Parcel corner data were collected. Sampling data was gathered through key informant interviews, and existing analog (paper-based) attribute data, high-resolution aerial imagery, and Ground Control Point (GCP) data were also utilized. The collected parcel data and aerial imagery were digitized using ArcGIS software. The digitization yielded 126 parcels and 14 roads totally of 140 parcels. Subsequently, topology rule violations were addressed: "Must have no Gaps" and "Must not have overlaps" were fixed for parcels, and "Must not have dangles" was fixed for roads. Finally, the existing analog (paper-based) attribute data was converted to digital format using MS Excel and linked (joined) to the digitized spatial data via a unique id. Parcels were initially identified by using attribute data and existing land use, resulting in 95 registered residential parcels, 18 residential undocumented parcels, 1 sports field, 3 open spaces, 9 cutoff places from parcels, and 14 roads. Secondly, identification by adjudication right showed 71 lease hold, 36 free hold, and 33 unidentified parcels. Further identification by adjudication result revealed 50 parcels with eligible and 90 ineligible parcels. Lastly, ownership type identification categorized the parcels as 21 governments, 118 private, and 1 religious place. Additionally, an attribute data query was applied to quickly access the attribute data.The CIS map of ground data was compared with the CIS map of aerial imagery to assess the accuracy discrepancies between the two. The analysis revealed that the CIS map based on ground data exhibited higher accuracy compared to the map from aerial imagery.Five participants were selected based on their work experience and academic qualifications. They responded to questions based on their perceptions of the CIS in Ethiopia. Notably, more than half of the participants rated the current level of the CIS as low. Finally, these findings verified that the applied cadastral system effectively and efficiently manage land parcels in the study area and we recommend government sector to address concerns regarding CIS not applied area.en-USAttribute dataCadastral Information SystemData queryGISTopology ruleDevelopment of Cadastral Information System by using Geographic Information System in Addis Ababa City: a Case Study in Akaki Kality Sub-City, EthiopiaThesis